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Loyal Labradors Jubilee II

Winning first place puppy at the Duluth AKC show. 

Jubilee II is a puppy from the Arrow x Jubilee litter.  Here she is winning the puppy group.  This was her first dog show and she did great!

Congrats to GCH Loyal Labradors Leighra SH, WCX, CDX, RE, CGN who has won her Canadian Grand Championship and high in trial.  We are so proud of you!  Leighra is an Ace  and Promise puppy and owned by Dr. Lori Neily.

Another congrats to Lori and Leighra!  Leighra has earned another title.  She earned her WCX at the National Labrador Specialty 2018.  Here she is with her owner Dr. Lori Neily.  Leighra is an Ace and Promise Puppy.

Here, MOTCH Loyal Labradors Shayleigh SH, WCX (2), UD, RE, CGN, SADC, SSGDC poses with the ribbons that she has earned in Formal Obedience, Rally Obedience, Working Certificates, and Hunt Testing.  Shayleigh has also competed in agility but her “sister mommy” has those ribbons in a different spot in the house.


We are very proud of Shayleigh who has accomplished more than we ever imagined.  She continues to compete in Obedience “for fun” and may return to the Rally Obedience ring to do the new Master Level.  


Shayleigh has begun to learn to track, as of this summer.


She is truly a versatile, loyal and very loved and cherished Labrador!

Thank you so much, Jennifer for this incredible girl!


Congrats to Shayleigh!


Shayleigh earned the top score at both trials in Cape Breton, NS on the July 7 and 8 weekend.

These were her twelfth and thirteenth High in Trial wins.

Loyal Labradors Calm Reflection (Serene) AKC dog show Duluth, MN.  She won best female all 3 days and BOB on the last day.


CH Loyal Labradors Leighra Laced with Promise SH, WCI, RA, CGN


Leighra earned her Senior Hunt title on June 12, 2016.  She accomplished this easily in only three weekends.  She loves the hunt game and is presently training at Master Level.  She is exclusively positively trained and is a joy to watch work in the field.  While training one day, I said to a friend, “She thinks she’s ‘ALL THAT’!”  My friend answered, “Well, she kinda is!”


AKC Vader's Hope DS CGC

IABCA International Champion VADER'S HOPE



HOPE (VADER'S HOPE), a Loyal Labrador's ACE X PROMISE girl will be turning two years old on the 17th of this month and has been a very busy pup from the start getting her AKC Canine Good Citizen and her very first 1st Place ribbon at the young age of 6 months. Fast forward to today, Hope has achieved several titles thus far including AKC Dock Dive Senior, IABCA International Champion with all V-1 ratings from all five judges, UKC Started Hunting Retriever title and UKC Grand Champion in conformation and finished the 2015 year in Fifth place in the Top 10 UKC conformation for her breed. Hope has been officially invited to the Top 10 Premier hosted by UKC in Michigan where she will compete against all the other Top 10 Labradors for 2015, how exciting!!! And because she received her performance title for hunting retriever, she qualified to compete in the Total Dog competition there as well. Myself, as her owner and amateur handler in all of this has been an experience all in itself for me, I can get very nervous in the show ring and she picks up on takes a lot of practice, hard work and dedication to earn these titles so I hope you will root for us and wish us the best these coming months! Currently Hope is working toward her AKC Junior hunt title, she has three more tests to go and she will also be dock dive practicing all Summer! Luv and Labby kisses from Hope!




We are pleased to announce that our very own Loyal Labradors Shayleigh earned her Masters of Obedience on April 9, 2016!!!


Shayleigh earned the highest scores in both the Open and Utility levels of the trial and was awarded a ribbon for High in Class for each of these levels (the smaller blue and white ribbons).  As well, she earned the “High in Trial” award (the big ribbon) - as the dog who earned the highest score from among all of the dogs who competed at all levels in the trial.  She earned an impressive 197/200.  The red ribbon was the one awarded for her New Title of Masters of Obedience (Master OTCH or MOTCH).  She was given a new leash for each of the classes that she won and a new blanket for her High in Trial win.  A certificate for High in Trial was also presented to her by the judge who seemed quite taken with her.


Shayleigh has earned 17 titles, to date.  With the completion of her Masters, she will now be:  MOTCH Loyal Labradors Shayleigh SH, WCX, RE, UD, CGN, SADC, SSGDC. 


Shayleigh just turned 5 years old in March of 2016.  She is a Promise and Boaz girl who loves to please, is incredibly intelligent and loyal.  We are so very proud of everything she has accomplished!  In addition to her achievements in the ring, she is also a certified hospital visitation dog who goes to her “mom’s” medical practice every day.  There, she can be found sitting with patients who need a calming influence or resting in the non-public area of the clinic with her “baby sister" - Leighra - in their own room where they stay quietly throughout the day, despite the open kennels and open doors.  Unless invited out to interact with patients, the “girls" know to stay in their room.  


Shayleigh is teaching Leighra the “ropes” at the clinic, at home, in the ring and in the field… but they are BIG paws to fill, for sure!




Congrats to Leighra for earning her Junior Hunt title!


Hunt test ~ July 2015

Leighra (Promise X Ace puppy girl)


Congrats to Hope. She now has her AKC Senior Dock Dive Title. She skipped right past Junior and went on to Senior title on that same day! Her best jump on that day was at 19'9"!  Hope is a Promise X Ace puppy (1 year old in the photo).

Here is Leighra with her final Junior Hunt Ribbon - for her Junior Hunt Title.  


She passed four legs easily and only 3 are required for the title.


Another Master Hunt leg for Shayleigh!


The two girls and their ribbons.  


Leighra and Junior Hunt and Shayleigh and Master Hunter.  Both puppies are grandpups to Selah and daughters to Promise.  Shayleigh is sired by Boaz and Leighra is sired by Ace!

We are proud to announce that Loyal Labradors has a new Champion - born out of our own Loyal Labradors Promise CGC and Loyal Labradors Ace Rhinestone Cowboy.



BOB MBPIG MBBPIG Can CH Loyal Labradors Leighra Laced with Promise WC, RA, CGN. Leighra lives in Canada with the Neily family. Leighra is presently being trained for Hunt Tests as well as formal Obedience and Rally competitions. She is a happy and outgoing girl who thinks that the world exists for her enjoyment.


Congrats to Hope and Brenda! 
Hope won 1st place 6-9 months puppy at the Lone Star Classic dog show and earned her CGC award on the same day.  It was her and her owners first time in the ring.  Her wins were on Saturday December 6th, judge Ms. Linda L Robey (149) and Sunday December 7th, judge Mrs. Wendy L Paquette (142).
Hope is a Promise X Ace puppy girl.


Congrats again to Shayleigh!




Here is Shayleigh with her title plaque and her ribbons.  She Earned her Advanced Gamers Title (AGDC) and is now working at the Master level for all of her agility runs. Shanna-Lynn and Shayleigh had 4 Qualifying runs on the weekend; one advanced run to give them their Gaming title and 3 Master runs.  They are quite a team.


OTCH Loyal Labradors Shayleigh SH, WCX, RE, UD, CGN, SADC, SSGDC earned her 15th titile in August of 2014.


Shayleigh earned her Advanced Agility Dog of Canada Title.  

She took the Top Advanced Dog Award and was presented with an embroidered dog bed. She is pictured here wearing her “New Title” ribbon with the ribbons from her Qualifying runs on her new bed.  


At the same agility trial in August, Shanna-Lynn and Shayleigh were chosen to receive the Judges Choice Award.  They are pictured below with the judge and their prize bags. 

Shayleigh loved the treats and toys she won - and was pretty pleased with all of the attention, too!

In this trail, Shayleigh was awarded Top Scoring Labrador as well as the High in Trial at the Labrador Specialty in May of 2013.


At the Atlantic Labradors Retriever’s Club Regional Specialty, OTCH Loyal Labradors Shayleigh was chosen as the Best Altered Labrador in the Show on August of 2014.
She won beautiful ribbons and embroidered towels.    On the Obedience side, she won the Tollhouse Cookie Award.  This award goes to the Labrador who earns the highest score over the three days of judging in all levels of Obedience.  The club displays the winners’ names on a plaque that lists all of the winners over the past twenty years. 


Leighra placed second in the Baby Puppy category.  She was a huge hit with the crowd.  She turned three months old on the exact date of the show.  She was the youngest in the ring by about two months.  We agree with one of the spectators who stated, “Oh, doesn’t she “DO” cute puppy well!!!


The judge complimented Leighra’s training and ring presence for one so young.  Leighra looked like she was having a ball!

Shayleigh & Leighra ~ both are Promise puppies.


A BIG shout out to Loyal Labradors Shayleigh (a Promise X Boaz puppy) for earning her Senior Hunt title this week.


Shayleigh has now earned a total of 14 titles.  Shayleigh has gotten so used to getting ribbons that she likes to hold them herself, now.  Shayleigh belongs to the Neily family and lives in Canada. 


OTCH Loyal Labradors Shayleigh SH, WCX, RE, UD, CGN, SADC, SSGDC


"Loyal Labradors Shayleigh"

(living in Canada with the Neily family)


OTCH Loyal Labradors Shayleigh SH, WCX, RE, CGN, UD, SADC, SSGDC


The first 5 titles and the OTCH are the titles recognized by the Canadian Kennel Club.  She has earned her SADC - (Special) Agility Dog of Canada - a title earned through the Agility Association of Canada (AAC). 

Shayleigh is a Boaz X Promise puppy and well adored as you can see.  Dr. Neily has recently adopted another puppy from us!

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