How to adopt your puppy
Choosing a puppy
How to pick up your puppy
How to adopt your puppy
White English Lab Puppies for sale near me
1. Fill out our application here.
2. Don't see a response by email within 24 hrs? Please check your spam folder.
3. We will connect and discuss any questions you might have & I'll send you info on how to make a deposit.
4. Submit a nonrefundable $250 deposit to hold your place. At times deposits may be closed if our list is full.
5. You'll be notified when your name is reached. Please respond "yes" or "no" to the litter.
6. Each week you'll get updated photos and video of the litter.
7. Pick out your puppy at 7 weeks old by photos, video, Volhard & personality profiles.
8. Pick up your puppy at 8 weeks old.
Choosing a puppy
We will email you an announcement when the litter has been born and we have reached your name. Weekly photos and video will be sent to you. The puppies are given color coded collars and you will get to watch them grow.
At 6- 7 weeks old the puppies will visit our local Vet. 8 week old puppies leave here with first set of shots, deworming and a wellness exam. Deworming is done at 2,4 and 6 weeks old. We carefully practice health and safety awareness with our puppies, so we do not allow early visitors into our home.
At 7 weeks old puppy selections are made after the puppy evaluations are done. Personality profiles, puppy evaluations, photos, videos and Vet exams are sent to you by email to help you select your puppy. We will help guide you in choosing. Pick goes in order of deposit.
At 8 weeks the puppies are ready to leave for their homes.
How to bring your puppy home
We invite you to our home in Mora, MN for pickup of your puppy. We are located 1.5 hrs north of the Minneapolis airport. You'll be given instructions on pick up including travel tips. If you are flying home with your puppy as "carry on", we can help you navigate that very easily. We do not ship our puppies and we must meet you in person for pick up of your puppy.